Frog Furnishings

Jayhawk Plastics, Inc. guarantees all materials and workmanship for three (3) years on any product made completely from our proprietary recycled plastic blend. Jayhawk guarantees all materials and workmanship for (1) year on any product made of steel, aluminum or a combination of metal and plastic.

The guarantee excludes vandalism, improper use, product alterations, misuse, negligence, accident, theft, corrosion caused by chemicals, ice or snow damage and acts of God. The warranty does not cover any product used as a component of and/or a finished good for a manufactured primary product without the prior written approval of Jayhawk Plastics.

Jayhawk guarantees against rotting, decay or termite infestation for fifty (50) years for our plastic products. Any claim under this warranty must be filed within the warranty time-frame of original invoice date and must be accompanied by the original invoice or invoice number.